Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Posting Problems at Craiglist.

My Posts aren't showing up in the categories where I post them; no one can see them.

Craigslist is aware of the error (and I guess, content to wait forever to get it fixed).


206: eff fieve - Brief posting outages
Updated Sat, Jun 16 - 11:11 PDT We've had some intermittent problems with our load balancers that prevent any new ads from being posted. We are waiting for a fix from the vendor who makes the hardware. Hopefully we'll have a solution soon so that our pagers will stop going off. Uff.

This cannot be allowed to stop the juggernaut that is the Mattapan High School!

Therefore; http://www.google.com/search?q=craigslist+alternative&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS221US221&aq=t&aq=t

As you can see, the new posting is a hybrid of the first two; probably what is should have been anyway.

For many years Mattapan has sorely been in need of a high school. A parcel of land has been donated but, for lack of political will, no action has been taken to develop this parcel and build this high school.

A conservative estimate of how long this issue has been stalled would be 10 years.

I am currently gathering all the data that I can in an effort to create a comprehensive website on the Mattapan high school issue and those community groups and activists working to build it.

I hope this site will create awareness, and that it will also be a source of funding for those groups and for this project.

Part of our site will involve banner ads and clip art based around the theme of Mattapan needing a high school.

We are requesting buttons, banners, wallpapers, e-cards and anything else artistic based on the theme of getting a high school built in Mattapan.

The art will be uploaded to flickr and the best of it will be used on the website. You will receive credit and acknowledgment for your hard work!

There is a blog explaining the issue now.

Hopefully we'll get more added to it and document the campaign there as well.
Check out;

Please link to it, and email if you have any questions.

Thanks for helping!

Henry H Thomas.




Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You can publish your ads FREE at